Tuesday, October 11, 2011


II B.Com (MM)

               E-marketing or online marketing is one of the most recent and speedy marketing and advertising methods in today’s competitive business world. It uses the Internet as a medium to advertise and sell products and services. A form of electronic commerce, online marketing is used by most of the business organizations to expand and promote their marketing worldwide. This business strategy has two modes of operation – business-to-customer (B2C) and business-to-business (B2B). Today, Internet marketing has become a fashionable marketing plan as Internet usage has increased tremendously among the public. Like any other traditional marketing strategy, Internet marketing covers customer service, public relations, information management, and sales.

               Due to cut-throat competition the growth of the business depends on the internet marketing tactics. Starting an online business is easy but making it grow is the log jam today, due to increased competition.

               Accumulating email addresses and maintaining mailing lists are relatively inexpensive, as well as sending out a newsletter. The cost of sending thousands of pieces of direct mail would be much more expensive to reach the same number of customers. Email is near instant and so provides the benefit of deploying a marketing campaign faster than traditional media. The 'quickness' of the internet also encourages immediate responses from potential customers. Also it is much easier to personalize e-mails. E-marketing allows email marketing combined with other direct media more of a chance to reinforce the marketing campaign message with an audience. Website based advertising relies on an individual to visit the website. Direct email communication allows an advertiser to 'push' its message to the target audience. E-marketing also saves paper and is a greener option.

             But, e-marketing has a darker side to it also because even when an email gets through to the consumer, there are so many emails that need to be looked at sometimes it is difficult for the individual to distinguish between solicited and unsolicited email, as well as have time to read through the email. Also, email recipients are most responsive when they first subscribe to an email. It is difficult to keep them engaged. Soon, the emails may be seen as an irritant. Recipients will have different preferences for email offers, content and frequency which affect engagement and response. These have to be managed through communications preferences. Many of the pop-up advertisements tend to irritate people and most of them do not even bother to see the advertisements and just close the pop-up windows.

             E-marketing can help promote business only if attractive and attention pulling advertisements are given. Thus, e-marketing can prove to be a boon or a bane depending on how the advertisements are given.

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