Wednesday, October 12, 2011


Ishwarya T. 
III B.Com(MM) 

             Some of the great internet marketing business companies are quite old and have been known to make a lot of money with lot less effort than it is required today. Times have changed and changed for the better, internet marketing business is more hard work today although the monetary returns are still substantial. Starting an internet marketing business is easy but making it grow is the bottle-neck today due to increased competition. It is during these times that internet marketing businesses fail due to lack of perseverance or even patience. Instant gratification is no more the name of the game and if you are an internet marketing businessperson, it is time you read this article and steered clear of mistakes you may commit.

1. Incubation time: For starters, did you know that most businesses that fail, fail in the first year? This is because people lose drive or sometimes they take up more than they can 85handle. Financial implications are also a root cause for this. They take up too much money from the market than required and can’t pay back in time. To realize that any business takes about 12-18 months to bear fruit and results is not easy for a new businessperson and internet businesses are no exception to this. Although initial investment in a virtual or internet marketing business is less since one doesn’t need to buy a brick and mortar store, it is still important to begin small and grow.

2. Focus: Focus is very important for business growth. Too much focus on marketing and ignoring products and services is the main cause here. For beginners, marketing is important but not as important as the quality of the products and services offered. You could find that you have a hundred new customers but no proper product or service to offer, can you keep the business? Divide focus as needed and realign your priorities time and again.

3. Investment: Putting too much emphasis on marketing could also result in spending too much on advertising activities. Although it is important, finding inexpensive means of marketing and advertising is recommended initially. Always make sure that you have something stashed away for a rainy day. There are good market times and bad market times, you will need to plan accordingly.

4. Overwork: Plan your time properly. Working around too many ideas and losing sleep over stuff will not help in anyway apart from telling on your health. You’re your 16 hours a day carefully and focus with a plan. As far as an internet marketing business goes, the initial focus should be on your website, internet marketing for your own products and services and customer service. Losing sleep over growing your business will not help initially. Internet marketing businesses of any kind can be a lot of risk initially. I am sure you have heard how many internet or work at home businesses fail annually. Make sure that you do not repeat the mistakes of the failures (most of which are listed above) and better still get yourself a qualified mentor, trainer who can help you drive your business to new heights.

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