Tuesday, October 11, 2011

MARKETING– A Maneuvering Tool

Sonal Ranjit
                                          I B.Com(MM)
             Internet marketing is vital in today’s business. Marketing in recent times have taken over as completely new media avenues, which has the power and effect than that of traditional marketing avenues. In e- selling there is greater scope for creativity and innovation. 
           Marketing is different from that of selling. Marketing is a long process that starts before the production of products and continues even after selling the products to the customers. The main idea is to make customers      
         When customers are motivated to try the product they would come to know about the product details and features. They become close to the product. If they are satisfied with the sample product they would go in for re purchase. This slowly builds brand preference which turns into brand loyalty.
        In web marketing, sellers attract customers through various marketing tactics and gimmicks. They try to touch upon socio-psychological behavior of the customers. The sellers study consumer behavior and there by market the product differently to target segments.  These are broadly divided into:

Children - Aspects related to colors, models are advertised to promote the product.
Youth – Different styles, ’brand’, designs, quality, endorsement through celebrities are used to promote the product. 

Adults – Durability, warranty, guarantee are used to promote the product. Creating varied themes for different age groups will result in good response and effective sales. It will increase trust and 
confidence and sow the seeds of lasting relationships.

This is the most popular strategy used by marketers to sell the product or service.
A – The first and foremost is to create ‘attention in the consumers mind.
I – This should create an urge to possess the product, develop ‘interest’.
D – Should create a ‘desire’, a longing to buy the product.
A – The most important aspect is ‘action.

Other than the regular loyal buyers (dare to be different strategies are used to attract new customers). When something is unique it gathers attention. Nowadays customers look for new innovation models, design in the product.
As we all know,
                                 Consumer is the King
Retaining existing customers (hard job)

This is effectively tackled through customer satisfaction. Once the needs of the customer are met they become loyal to the brand. First impression is the best impression

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